"attitude" Tagged Sermons

Gospel Centered

The greatest example of God’s love and concern for mankind was when Jesus took on flesh, became a servant, and was obedient to die on the cross. On the cross God demonstrated His justice toward sin and His love for man. One day every knee will bow to Jesus and every tongue will proclaim His…

Follow the Leader

Follow the Leader is a game that children play as they walk like and act like their assigned leader. As believers we are called to follow our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Following Jesus brings risk. Jesus brought the message of salvation, but was rejected, suffered, and was put to death. Despite the risks Jesus…

Lasting Leadership

Caleb was a spiritual leader. He and Joshua stood alone with faith and courage when the 10 spies returned to Moses with a negative report. He waited 40 years to enter the Promised Land. Now, five years into the Promised Land, 85 year old Caleb says “give me this mountain!” Our nation needs spiritual leaders…