Sermons by Buddy Perstrope (Page 28)

Faith Memorials

Memorial Day is a holiday set aside to remember the people who died while serving in the armed forces. It is a call to remember! In Joshua 4 we find that after crossing the Jordan River God commands the Israelites to build memorials! These were to be physical, visible reminders of God’s power and provision…

Forward by Faith

There are times when God just has to move if obstacles are going to be overcome! In Numbers 13-14 Israel decided NOT to move when the obstacles looked too big. Joshua 3 highlights when they did move Forward Together. God waited for Israel to move in faith before He moved in power. I believe our…

Have Faith in God

In Joshua 2 we find that God can save the unlikely and God can use the unlikely to impact family and nations! Never underestimate the power of God or the providence of God in using someone – maybe just like you – to stand as a testimony of faith and leave a legacy of faith.…

Forward Together

Joshua was to lead the children of Israel, and they were to move forward together! As they remembered God’s promise, leaned on God’s power, and experienced God’s presence they were to move forward in obedience. There would be battles and challenges! But God would bring the victory! As we move forward in faith may the…


The children of Israel spent about 40 years stuck and wandering in the wilderness because of their lack of faith. After the death of Moses, God spoke to Joshua calling him to move forward and lead the people into the Promised Land. By faith they were to move forward and trust God to provide what…