iLife – Intentional living is our theme over the next several weeks. We are going to be challenged to live, give, love and serve with purpose and intention.
James reminds us of the power of prayer. Max Lucado said, “When we work, we work; but when we pray, God works.” Prayer can change circumstances and change lives.
Throughout our life we have all faced trials and difficulties that were unexpected. James calls us to look at the life of Job. However, more than looking at Job, we are to look at the compassion and mercy of our God.
Jesus is coming! What an awesome promise! James encourages believers who are going through trials to remain patient until the coming of the Lord.
Our God is a God of love. Yet our God is also a God of justice. James has a stern warning for those who are rich. When people place money before God and live without integrity to hoard money and rip off others God notices.
May our desire be to do God’s will. Nothing more. Nothing less. Nothing else.
James is a book of action! He calls believers to show their faith through their actions!
As people of faith we are challenged to make wise decisions. Yet, we have to ask the question “Where do you get your wisdom?” The Bible shows us that there is an earthy wisdom and a godly wisdom.
“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” is the rhyme we learned as children. Yet, the truth of the matter is words do hurt! As believers we must be careful that our faith is shown through our words.